
Making the Case for Public Investment in the Arts

How Much Does Iowa Invest in the Arts?

  • As a state, Iowa invests $0.32 per Iowan in the arts, which ranks 46th in the nation.
  • Around $1 per person is the average level of state investment in the arts, nationally, with many states investing significantly more. National and Regional Comparison Interactive Map Listing
  • Iowa invests less than most Midwestern and peer states, despite arts and culture jobs and production accounting for an equivalent or greater share of its economy. [Source]



Iowa Cultural Coalition

Arts & Culture Survey Report


Iowa Cultural Coalition

Advocacy Training 101


National Endowment for the Arts

State Profile for IowaNEA Arts Investment Fact Sheet


Americans for the Arts “Why the Arts Matter in Iowa” 

Fact Sheet

Social Media Toolkit


National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Creative Economy Profile for Iowa

Iowa 2022 NEA Fact Sheet


Arts & Creativity Strengthen our Nation 

Message Guide


How to Talk About Public Funding for the Arts

One-page guide


Supporting the Arts in Rural Iowa

Support for the Arts in Rural Communities

National Governors Association

Rural Arts Initiative

Rural Prosperity through the Arts and Creative Industries

Did you know there are a variety of arts and culture grants accessible to schools, non-profits, performance venues, artists, and other cultural organizations here in Iowa? Here’s a link to find more grant information: https://iowaculture.gov/about-us/about/grants


Did you know that Americans for the Arts has a whole “Arts Education Navigator with all of the facts and figures to advocate for arts education? Check it out!